19:23:26 Bootstrapping regular deployment 19:23:26 Started agent deployment as a container, PID 459. 19:23:26 System version: Linux ip-10-82-1-252.us-west-2.compute.internal 4.14.158-129.185.amzn2.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Dec 24 03:15:32 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 19:23:26 Command line: 19:23:26 Installed version: 19:23:26 Attention! ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_SCRIPT_URL does not match expected pattern, please verify its correctness. See the following help page for instructions how to retrieve the URL: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/oneagent-docker#locate-your-oneagent-installer-url. If installer download succeeded, then this message may safely be ignored 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_SCRIPT_URL=https://lou41938.live.dynatrace.com/api/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/default/latest?arch=x86&flavor=default&Api-Token=*** 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_VERBOSE= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_INSTALLER_SKIP_CERT_CHECK= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_ENABLE_VOLUME_STORAGE= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_CONTAINER_STORAGE_PATH= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_NO_REMOUNT_ROOT= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_ADDITIONAL_UNMOUNT_PATTERN= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_DISABLE_CONTAINER_INJECTION= 19:23:26 ONEAGENT_READ_ONLY_MODE= 19:23:26 AGENT_CONTAINER_IMAGE_VERSION= 19:23:26 Path: /usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin 19:23:26 Started with capabilities: self: =ep 19:23:26 Started with user: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) 19:23:26 Detected container management CLI tool: docker 19:23:26 Stored installation path as visible from host's mount namespace: /opt/dynatrace/oneagent 19:23:26 Stored data storage dir as visible from host's mount namespace: /var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent 19:23:26 Stored log dir as visible from host's mount namespace: /var/log/dynatrace/oneagent 19:23:26 Stored enrichment dir as visible from host's mount namespace: /var/lib/dynatrace/enrichment 19:23:26 Mounting basic directories 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/usr/bin to /mnt/host_root/bin 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/dev to /mnt/host_root/dev 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/etc to /mnt/host_root/etc 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/home to /mnt/host_root/home 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/usr/lib to /mnt/host_root/lib 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/usr/lib64 to /mnt/host_root/lib64 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/local to /mnt/host_root/local 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/lost+found to /mnt/host_root/lost+found 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/media to /mnt/host_root/media 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/mnt to /mnt/host_root/mnt 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/opt to /mnt/host_root/opt 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/run to /mnt/host_root/run 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/usr/sbin to /mnt/host_root/sbin 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/srv to /mnt/host_root/srv 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/usr to /mnt/host_root/usr 19:23:26 Bind mounting /mnt/root/var to /mnt/host_root/var 19:23:26 Creating /mnt/host_root/tmp 19:23:26 Mounting procfs 19:23:26 Mounting sysfs 19:23:26 Bind mounting host's cgroup 19:23:26 Mounting securityfs 19:23:26 Mounting debugfs 19:23:26 Unmounting directories 19:23:26 Did not find paths matching pattern /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/kubernetes\.io/csi/pv/pvc-.*/globalmount|/var/lib/kubelet/pods/.*/volumes/kubernetes\.io~(downward-api|empty-dir|csi|secret)|/var/lib/kubelet/pods/.*/volume-subpaths/.*|/run/netns/.*|/run/containerd/io\.containerd\.grpc\.v1\.cri/sandboxes/.* 19:23:26 Unmounting /mnt/root 19:23:26 rmdir: removing directory, '/mnt/root' 19:23:26 Finished setting up /mnt/host_root 19:23:26 Downloading agent to /tmp/Dynatrace-OneAgent-Linux.sh via https://lou41938.live.dynatrace.com/api/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/default/latest?arch=x86&flavor=default&Api-Token=*** 19:23:26 curl params: --silent --show-error --dump-header /tmp/http_headers --connect-timeout 120 --retry 5 --location --ciphers DEFAULT:!DH -HIf-None-Match: "5fdc96ca0f9abee80572ccb5f03cd9b82575bf1b92fb4247191d6f137c9e21c7" 19:23:26 curl finished, exit code: 0 19:23:26 HTTP response status code: 304 19:23:26 Received ETag: 5fdc96ca0f9abee80572ccb5f03cd9b82575bf1b92fb4247191d6f137c9e21c7 19:23:26 Download was skipped as the agent version did not change 19:23:26 Verifying agent installer signature 19:23:29 Verification successful 19:23:29 Creating /mnt/host_root/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/conf/dockerdeployment.conf 19:23:29 Applying configuration: /opt/dynatrace/oneagent/Dynatrace-OneAgent-Linux.sh 19:23:30 Checking root privileges... 19:23:30 Process real user: root, real ID: 0 19:23:30 Process effective user: root, effective ID: 0 19:23:30 OK 19:23:30 Logging to /var/log/dynatrace/oneagent/installer/installation_1329.log 19:23:30 Installation started, version, build date: 25.10.2023, PID 1329. 19:23:30 Detected platform: LINUX arch: X86_64 19:23:30 Starting agents... 19:23:30 Starting Dynatrace OneAgent from within the container. Switching to unprivileged user, uid:998, gid:1001 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.774 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] Dynatrace Watchdog, Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Dynatrace LLC. www.dynatrace.com [2023-11-02 19:23:30.774 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] Version:, date: 2023.10.24 15:00:54, SCM Revision: 313d30d88f5f1fafd0baacf830567f60e4ae666d [2023-11-02 19:23:30.774 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] PID: 459 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.774 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] Parent PID: 427 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.774 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] User: dtuser [2023-11-02 19:23:30.774 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] Local time: 2023-11-02 19:23 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] Physical RAM: 15744 MiB [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [watchdog] Command line: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentwatchdog" "-config=/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/conf/watchdog.conf" "-watch=
oneagentos;oneagentloganalytics;oneagentnetwork;oneagentextensions;oneagentplugin" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Level console: 4 (info) [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Level file: 4 (info) [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Max log file age: 124 days [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Max single log file size: 64 MiB [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Filename pattern: $exename_$pid.log [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Directory: "/var/log/dynatrace/oneagent/watchdog" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Preferred log file: "/var/log/dynatrace/oneagent/watchdog/oneagentwatchdog_459.log" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [logger] [config] Log file: "/var/log/dynatrace/oneagent/watchdog/oneagentwatchdog_459.log" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Short name: oneagentwatchdog [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Directory: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Full path: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentwatchdog" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Flavor: Native [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Restart: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] After kill signal timeout: 1m 0s [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Stop with Ctrl-C instead of Ctrl-Break: false [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Use strict ping format: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Restart delay, initial: 0s, maximum: 1h 0m 0s, reset threshold: 20m 0s, first increment: 10s, multiplier: 2 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Restart process on exit code 0 and 4: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Is log dir in config: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Additional environment variables: [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Config file: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/conf/watchdog.conf" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] User config file: "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config/watchdoguserconfig.conf" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Runtime config file: "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config/watchdogruntime.conf" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Drop all capabilites on non-root: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Use SIGQUIT for dumps in non-root: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Dump proc binary: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentdumpproc" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Dump storage path: "" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Dump proc timeout: 300s [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Max dumps per 24h per observed process: 3 / 24h [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Output capturing enabled: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Stop output capturing marker: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Memory limit absolute: 500 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Memory limit percentage: 5 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Available physical RAM: 15744 MiB [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Working directory: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Pid file: "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/watchdog/oneagentwatchdog.pid" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Restart file location: "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/watchdog/watchdog_restart_file", passing additional parameter to: oneagentos [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Heartbeat portrange: [50000, 50100] [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Heartbeat timeout: 900s [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Kill process tree on healthcheck fail: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Shutdown timeout: 1m 0s [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Watchdog issued stop timeout: 5m 0s [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Log dir: "/var/log/dynatrace/oneagent/watchdog" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Log name pattern: $exename_$pid.log [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Max log age: 124 days [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Max log size: 64 MiB [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Log level: info [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Log level console: [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] App arguments: [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] VM arguments: [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Run daemonized: false [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Open file descriptors limit: 2048 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Unlimited core file size: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] Unlimited mem lock: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] [native] Watch: "oneagentloganalytics", "oneagentnetwork", "oneagentextensions", "oneagentplugin" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] [native] Main binary: "oneagentos" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [config] [native] Memory limit: 1287 MiB [2023-11-02 19:23:30.775 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [LogAging] Aging old log files [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] Running as non-root: true [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] All capabilites dropped [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [SignalHandler] Configured [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [PidFile] Created "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/watchdog/oneagentwatchdog.pid" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentos] [StateQueue] *STOPPED -> RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [threading] Logic start [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [StateQueue] STOPPED -> *RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PingReceiver] Listening on socket 50000 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] File "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config/watchdogruntime.conf" has changed, last write time: 17:59:00 (1698947940), previous last write time: [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STARTING PROCESS] Command line: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentos" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogPort=50000" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogTimeout=900" "-watchdog.restart_file_location=/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/watchdog/watchdog_restart_file" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [RuntimeConfig] oneagentloganalytics queue RUNNING state [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STARTING PROCESS] User: dtuser, has password: false [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STARTING PROCESS] Heartbeat port: 50000 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STARTING PROCESS] On host shutdown stop with: SIGUSR2 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [StateQueue] *STOPPED -> RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [RuntimeConfig] oneagentnetwork queue RUNNING state [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [StateQueue] *STOPPED -> RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [RuntimeConfig] oneagentplugin queue RUNNING state [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [StateQueue] *STOPPED -> RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [threading] Logic start [2023-11-02 19:23:30.776 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [StateQueue] STOPPED -> *RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PingReceiver] Listening on socket 50001 (error codes: 50000: 98) [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STARTING PROCESS] Command line: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentloganalytics" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogPort=50001" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogTimeout=900" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STARTING PROCESS] User: dtuser, has password: false [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STARTING PROCESS] Heartbeat port: 50001 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STARTING PROCESS] On host shutdown stop with: SIGUSR2 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [threading] Logic start [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [StateQueue] STOPPED -> *RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PingReceiver] Listening on socket 50002 (error codes: 50000: 98, 50001: 98) [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STARTING PROCESS] Command line: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentnetwork" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogPort=50002" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogTimeout=900" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STARTING PROCESS] User: dtuser, has password: false [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STARTING PROCESS] Heartbeat port: 50002 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STARTING PROCESS] On host shutdown stop with: SIGTERM [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085d] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [threading] Logic start [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085d] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [StateQueue] *STOPPED [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [threading] Logic start [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [StateQueue] STOPPED -> *RUNNING [2023-11-02 19:23:30.777 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PingReceiver] Listening on socket 50003 (error codes: 50000: 98, 50001: 98, 50002: 98) [2023-11-02 19:23:30.778 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [process] Process created successfully, pid: 2144 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.779 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STARTING PROCESS] Command line: "/opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/oneagentplugin" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogPort=50003" "-Dcom.compuware.apm.WatchDogTimeout=900" [2023-11-02 19:23:30.779 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STARTING PROCESS] User: dtuser, has password: false [2023-11-02 19:23:30.779 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STARTING PROCESS] Heartbeat port: 50003 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.779 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STARTING PROCESS] On host shutdown stop with: SIGTERM [2023-11-02 19:23:30.780 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [process] Process created successfully, pid: 2146 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.784 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [process] Process created successfully, pid: 2148 [2023-11-02 19:23:30.803 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [process] Process created successfully, pid: 2150 [2023-11-02 19:23:31.404 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [stdout] Loading lib: /opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/liboneagentplugin.so [2023-11-02 19:23:31.404 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PingReceiver] New connection on port 50003 received [2023-11-02 19:23:33.777 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] File "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config/watchdogruntime.conf" has changed, last write time: 19:23:33 (1698953013), previous last write time: 17:59:00 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF 2:05:08.9 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF 8:05:43.2 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF 7:36:41.7 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -0:25:21.1 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF 1:39:49.2 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -0:36:44.68 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -4:56:01.6 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -3:58:29.2 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -4:19:18.3 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -5:36:13.3 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [severe ] [oneagentloganalytics] [stderr] #STDOFF -4:56:16.4 [2023-11-02 19:23:34.385 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PingReceiver] New connection on port 50001 received [2023-11-02 19:23:34.395 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PingReceiver] New connection on port 50000 received [2023-11-02 19:23:34.395 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2144 observedPid: 2144, total ping count: 1 [2023-11-02 19:23:36.210 UTC] [0000085e] [severe ] [oneagentplugin] [stderr] Could not find platform independent libraries [2023-11-02 19:23:36.210 UTC] [0000085e] [severe ] [oneagentplugin] [stderr] Could not find platform dependent libraries [2023-11-02 19:23:36.210 UTC] [0000085e] [severe ] [oneagentplugin] [stderr] Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to [:] [2023-11-02 19:23:40.995 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PingReceiver] New connection on port 50002 received [2023-11-02 19:23:43.853 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2144 observedPid: 2144, total ping count: 2 [2023-11-02 19:23:44.047 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2146 observedPid: 2146, total ping count: 1 [2023-11-02 19:23:54.257 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2146 observedPid: 2146, total ping count: 2 [2023-11-02 19:24:04.274 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2144 observedPid: 2144, total ping count: 4 [2023-11-02 19:24:05.039 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2150 observedPid: 2150, total ping count: 1 [2023-11-02 19:24:09.902 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2148 observedPid: 2148, total ping count: 1 [2023-11-02 19:24:14.678 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PingReceiver] Ping received: Healthy(0) pid: 2146 observedPid: 2146, total ping count: 4 [2023-11-02 19:24:14.786 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] Exiting, shutdown signal: true, host shutdown: false, all launchers stopped: false [2023-11-02 19:24:14.786 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [StateQueue] *RUNNING -> SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:14.786 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [StateQueue] *STOPPED -> SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:14.786 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [StateQueue] *RUNNING -> SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:14.786 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentos] [StateQueue] *RUNNING -> SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:14.786 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [StateQueue] *RUNNING -> SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:15.780 UTC] [0000085d] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [StateQueue] STOPPED -> *SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:15.780 UTC] [0000085d] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [StateQueue] *SHUTDOWN -> EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:15.780 UTC] [0000085d] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [StateQueue] SHUTDOWN -> *EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:15.780 UTC] [0000085d] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [threading] Logic exit [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] PID: 2150 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Memory usage: 52 MiB [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop reason: NEXT_STATE_QUEUED [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop timeout: 1m 0s [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Next state: SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Core dump reason: none [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Kill process tree: false [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop with: SIGTERM [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [process] Stopping process with SIG_TERM [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [process] Sending signal 15 (Terminated) to process: 2150 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [process] Signal 15 sent to process 2150 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.251 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [process] Waiting 1m 0s for graceful shutdown [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] PID: 2146 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Memory usage: 19 MiB [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop reason: NEXT_STATE_QUEUED [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop timeout: 1m 0s [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Next state: SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Core dump reason: none [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Kill process tree: false [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop with: SIGTERM [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [process] Stopping process with SIG_TERM [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [process] Sending signal 15 (Terminated) to process: 2146 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [process] Signal 15 sent to process 2146 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.280 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [process] Waiting 1m 0s for graceful shutdown [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] PID: 2148 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Memory usage: 27 MiB [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop reason: NEXT_STATE_QUEUED [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop timeout: 1m 0s [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Next state: SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Core dump reason: none [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Kill process tree: false [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop with: SIGTERM [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [process] Stopping process with SIG_TERM [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [process] Sending signal 15 (Terminated) to process: 2148 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [process] Signal 15 sent to process 2148 [2023-11-02 19:24:16.309 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [process] Waiting 1m 0s for graceful shutdown [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] PID: 2144 [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Memory usage: 42 MiB [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop reason: NEXT_STATE_QUEUED [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop timeout: 1m 0s [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Next state: SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Core dump reason: none [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Kill process tree: false [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [STOPPING PROCESS] Stop with: SIGTERM [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [process] Stopping process with SIG_TERM [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [process] Sending signal 15 (Terminated) to process: 2144 [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [process] Signal 15 sent to process 2144 [2023-11-02 19:24:17.077 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [process] Waiting 1m 0s for graceful shutdown [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PROCESS TERMINATED] PID: 2150 [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Duration: 47.481309775s, termination: 2.007896273s [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit code: EC_OK, exited normally with code 0, code expected: true [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit reason: PROCESS_STOPPED [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Process restart: disabled, never restart proccess on launcher state change [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] Quitting restart loop after process stop due to next state queued [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [StateQueue] RUNNING -> *SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [StateQueue] *SHUTDOWN -> EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [StateQueue] SHUTDOWN -> *EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:18.259 UTC] [0000085e] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [threading] Logic exit [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PROCESS TERMINATED] PID: 2146 [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Duration: 47.613220298s, termination: 2.109693892s [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit code: EC_OK, exited normally with code 0, code expected: true [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit reason: PROCESS_STOPPED [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Process restart: disabled, never restart proccess on launcher state change [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] Quitting restart loop after process stop due to next state queued [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [StateQueue] RUNNING -> *SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [StateQueue] *SHUTDOWN -> EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [StateQueue] SHUTDOWN -> *EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:18.390 UTC] [0000085b] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [threading] Logic exit [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PROCESS TERMINATED] PID: 2144 [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Duration: 49.367286366s, termination: 3.066236809s [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit code: EC_OK, exited normally with code 0, code expected: true [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit reason: PROCESS_STOPPED [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Process restart: disabled, never restart proccess on launcher state change [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] Quitting restart loop after process stop due to next state queued [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [StateQueue] RUNNING -> *SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [StateQueue] *SHUTDOWN -> EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [StateQueue] SHUTDOWN -> *EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:20.143 UTC] [0000085a] [info ] [oneagentos] [threading] Logic exit [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PROCESS TERMINATED] PID: 2148 [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Duration: 50.162647178s, termination: 4.630724962s [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit code: EC_OK, exited normally with code 0, code expected: true [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Exit reason: PROCESS_STOPPED [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [PROCESS TERMINATED] Process restart: disabled, never restart proccess on launcher state change [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] Quitting restart loop after process stop due to next state queued [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [StateQueue] RUNNING -> *SHUTDOWN [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [StateQueue] *SHUTDOWN -> EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [StateQueue] SHUTDOWN -> *EXIT [2023-11-02 19:24:20.940 UTC] [0000085c] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [threading] Logic exit [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [threading] Joining... [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentplugin] [threading] Joined [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [threading] Joining... [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentextensions] [threading] Joined [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [threading] Joining... [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentnetwork] [threading] Joined [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentos] [threading] Joining... [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentos] [threading] Joined [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [threading] Joining... [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [oneagentloganalytics] [threading] Joined [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [PidFile] Removed "/var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/watchdog/oneagentwatchdog.pid" [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] [SignalHandler] Disabled [2023-11-02 19:24:21.787 UTC] [000001cb] [info ] Watchdog finished, exit code: 0, duration: 51.011700429s