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Azure App Service Slots create a different service of the same type...custom metrics no longer apply


So we have a service called api. When we do a new slotted deployment with Azure app service, a new service(s) appears with the same name from using slots. I have created custom metrics from analysis view from the previous service; however these are no longer active with the new service now running the App Service (Web App) and dashboard from the custom metrics dont show. I am trying to figure how how to merge services dynamically based upon rules within the Settings > Full web request rules / Full web services rules area. Additionally I am using a naming rules within the Service settings and these rules are also lost when the App Service switches over to the new service after deployment. I could really use some assistance pinning down how to dynamically combine all services of a certain type with slotted deployments.


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion


Try to use DT_CLUSTER_ID environment variable. 

I don't care where I will run my application - AppEngine, CloudRun, GKE or another Cloud - it will be in one process group (DEV_ON_GCP_NGINX) and it will be in one service 🤗

More information here.

You can define DT_CLUSTER_ID or you can add rule to tell dynatrace check environment variable for example - DOG and take process group name from value - CORGI.




Alex Romanenkov 



Alex so are you saying the app service should have this ENV variable set? We are not running AKS or K8s but maybe App Service uses this CLUSTER env variable behind the scenes. So the primary advice is to combine app services into one process group and this will always combine into one service? 

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