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Monitoring Azure web app via ActiveGate

Frequent Guest


I have an azure with multiple web app service which I need to monitor them via Dynatrace (SaaS).

I have a local AG as well.

now to monitor them via oneAgent extension is easy,but if I like to send the traffic to AG and then to Dynatrace, do I only need to put the URL of the AG(and how to get the URL of AG)in this case I believe the AG needs to be publicly accessible as well, correct?



Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hi @ahmadjamali ,

How are you currently monitoring the Azure applications (if you have them set up already)?

If you're wondering about how to integrate the monitoring with the ActiveGates, you can do so via the documentation here:

In addition, I'm not sure what you mean by the URL of the AG, but you will need the AG to be accessible on the ports listed here(note that this is for a Linux server, but the idea generally remains uniform). By publicly accessible, it will need to accept incoming connections on port 9999 and make outgoing connections to port 443. Adjusting the necessary firewall configurations should allow these configurations to work as expected.


Taylor S.

Dynatrace ACE Services Consultant

Hi Taylor,

Thank you for your reply.

Currently No azure monitoring is in the picture.

I would like to only monitor azure app service (web app) and not the whole azure, which is mentioned in below article:

Integrate on Azure App Service for Windows | Dynatrace Docs

I am just wondering about the integration with the AG, as in azure it does ask for environment URL or AG URL,so simply typing the AG URL is enough (if the AG is publicly accessible on 9999) to route the traffic to AG or extra action needs to be taken as well.
 Please let me know if we can change the URL and port (AG URL and 9999) to our custom URL and port.



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