24 Oct 2019 11:55 AM
As I see, it is not possible to get how many errors 4xx or 5xx an Application is getting. Currently it's only JavaScript errors info available which is usefull but incomplete information. The customer needs to know , to check Application availability, how many errors 5xx are they getting from Application perspective.
It'd be very hard to filter for all the services called for the Application (directly and undirectly). Do you know how to achive this goal?
24 Oct 2019 12:56 PM
For service oriented chart, you can chart the number of failed requests (Failure rate).
For application oriented chart, you can use USQL to query and count number of http errors that happed to your users (this will include any request from your user session, including 3rd party content).
What is more suitable for your situation? Service view or Application (end user experience) view?
24 Oct 2019 01:29 PM
Definitely Application view. I'd need to get Error Type (500, 503, 4xx) , count, Action and what resources is failing (Dynamic request , images, ....).
I am checking USQL syntax and I am getting this query but it's nos exactly what I need:
select count(useraction.httpRequestsWithErrors) , useraction.application FROM usersession group by useraction.application
Thanks in advance.
24 Oct 2019 03:56 PM
Maybe PMs will have more ideas about how to accomplish this - @Alexander S. , @Dominik P. ?
06 Nov 2019 10:34 AM
any update about this? of course I'd like to get how many times an actions is failing (User Action) , which error is getting and the resources involved but at least I'd need the User Actions (type of action, Action Name and https error got) . Do you know how can I get theses fields using USQL?