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How to built Agent Count dashboard or report or any thing we can do it in APIs.


we have 10 DynaTrace servers in prod and any 7 DynaTrace servers in QA, so we need a common dashboard /report or any APIs to gather all Agent counts information for all DT. Please help us on this so that we can configure.
What is the steps to configure for the Dashboard to provide Agent counts
What is the steps to configure for the report to provide Agent counts
What is the steps to configure for the APIs to provide agent counts



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hello, why are you using so huge amount of dynatrace servers? Isn't better solution to have less servers with activegates and combine prod agents into single environment (that will help you analyse connections between systems?). If there is no connections you can use environment, it's easier to maintain. In general you should use HOST api which will result you information from each enviornment on each dynatrace host about number of monitored entities.

There is no option for creation dashboard that will count those values across all DT servers.


Regards, Sebastian

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