Resolved! TopList, Graph component are not drilldown to Log Viewer page 1858 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic data explorer log viewer
Resolved! Dashboard creation for 4xx and 5xx error details 2888 Views 1 replies 0 kudos alerting dashboards classic metrics
Resolved! The timeframe set for a duration of the user session 1805 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic timeframe user sessions
Resolved! Built-in metrics - data explorer calculation 3519 Views 3 replies 0 kudos data explorer metrics processes
Resolved! Custom dashboard ownership change, impossible? 13050 Views 14 replies 3 kudos dashboards classic user management
Resolved! TopList and graph component drill down to the log viewer page is not available 1991 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic data explorer log viewer
Resolved! Dashboards of total DEM Units and Host Units 4431 Views 7 replies 1 kudos dashboards classic licensing metrics
Resolved! Dashboard dynamic filters don't work with a few tags 3758 Views 2 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic data explorer tagging
Resolved! Error with building table that shows dead messages in RabbitMQ 4091 Views 4 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic data explorer metrics
Resolved! Pie chart for multiple metrics 4062 Views 1 replies 0 kudos charts dashboards classic data explorer
Resolved! Custom multidimensional analysis view into the dashboard 2128 Views 1 replies 1 kudos customization dashboards classic multidimensional analysis
Dashboard for OneAgent deployment monitoring 2587 Views 2 replies 1 kudos dashboards classic infrastructure monitoring oneagent
Resolved! Threshold to table name 5138 Views 8 replies 1 kudos dashboards classic data explorer threshold
Resolved! Dynamically populate dashboard by a given host name 3957 Views 3 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic
Resolved! Get the properties of a host on the dashboard 2121 Views 2 replies 1 kudos dashboards classic
Resolved! Packaging the Dynatrace dashboard and upload to Dynatrace SaaS 1846 Views 1 replies 2 kudos dashboards classic dynatrace saas
Resolved! Host Units/DDU/DEM units for an application 3965 Views 3 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic dynatrace saas licensing
Resolved! How to find out top 10 API's by performance for particular application 2338 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic dynatrace api metrics
Resolved! Time frame selection per "last day" or "last month" 5784 Views 6 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic timeframe timeselector
Resolved! Apache, Cassandra, and Kafka dashbord samples 2231 Views 2 replies 0 kudos apache cassandra dashboards classic
Resolved! Does Dynatrace provide report results in CSV, JSON, or any other format? 2129 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic reports
Resolved! Markdown link to dashboard using Dashboard ID is not constant when the dashboard is recreated 1577 Views 1 replies 0 kudos dashboards classic