07 Oct 2023 03:34 PM
I am fairly good with the Dynatrace API V2 and with Data Explorer. However, pulling OpenShift statistics in Dynatrace is still a challenge to me.
My question is - Can you pull OpenShift service statistics by Kubernetes namespace?
It works fine if I do it by tag and service name.
builtin:service.response.time:filter(and(and(in("dt.entity.service",entitySelector("type(service),tag(~"OpenShift Namespace:blah-blah~")")),in("dt.entity.service",entitySelector("type(service),entityName.contains(~"blah-blah-service-1~")"))))):splitBy("dt.entity.service"):avg:sort(value(avg,descending)):limit(20)
Any help greatly appreciated.
07 Oct 2023 03:54 PM
Am I going down the wrong path for the query key. Rather than querying by Kubernetes namespace, should I stick to tag?
Thinking about it, maybe tag is a wiser choice since services can span both cloud and non-cloud applications.