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Compare one service with different filter options


Hi all,


it's possible to use the compare capability with filters for the two sides other than the timeframes?

For example, compare the service X running in the instance Y today from 8 to 9 with the service X running in the instance Y yesterday form 8 to 9...

if this is not possible, the only way to compare the performance is manually?

Regards, Josep Maria


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Maybe I'm not following you correctly, but isn't that what you are showing in the screen shot you provided? The issue is the time frame not going all the way to 9pm? - You should be able to set a custom time frame analysis on that by clicking into the timeframe selector. 


Hi @ChadTurner,


my explanation is wrong! I want to compare the service X running in the instance Y today from 8 to 9 with the service X running in another instance. I want this to perform comparisons between CPD's for example.


Regards! Josep Maria

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Ahh I see. I think the only way to do this would be to create a chart/tile that displays the data set 1 your looking at, attach that to the dashboard, then create another one looking at the dataset 2 and then attaching that to the same dashboard. 


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