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Custom Topology Model is it so simple?

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion



(1)To create an entity, define a entity name combine with certain metric name filter


(2)You can narrow this filter by adding dimension filters


(3)You can use the extract attributes to add entity (instance) properties.


(4)To create a relation, get two entity's and a Relation name (these are fixed names), combined with a from and a to. (its one direction!).


(5)Entity instances are connected by adding a filter in the relation (looks like a metric name), that finds identical "dimension.values" in the entity. 


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KR Henk




Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

It depend on how many time one have practice it !😀


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Improved version


(1)To create an entityType, define a entityType name combine with certain metric name filter. Use a dimension to differentiate entities.


(2)You can narrow above metric filter by adding dimension filters


(3)You can use the extract attributes to add entity properties from dimensions.


(4)To create a relation, get two entitieTypes and a Relation name (these are fixed names), combined with a from and a to. (its one direction!).


(5)Entities are connected by another metric filter. The combined dimensions of both entities must be part of the metric

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