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EasyTravel Docker Access FrontEnd



I have downloaded
EasyTravel docker images from GitHub (
). I unziped them and run docker.compose up
from a AWS ec2 machine.

I am able to access
via browser to Axis2 Services configuration, MongoDB port but when I access to
8080 port (NGINX Proxy) y get a 502 Bad Gateway error message. As 8080 port is
used for frontend and backend i don't know if it is nedded to to type the Frontend
and Backend Context App, I mean, something like this: http://ec2:8080/easyTravelFrontend/.
Please, could you help me?

Thanks in advance.



Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper


I looked into this problem and I have a few ideas.

Most probably the "dynatrace/easytravel-frontend" container has failed and that is why you get the 502 Bad Gateway error. You can make sure by running the "docker ps -a" command and checking the status of "frontend" container. If that is so, I suggest to recreate all the containers:

  • stop and remove all containers - "docker-compose down"
  • create and start all containers - "docker-compose up"

The easyTravel images that you are using are probably the older ones with the version of 6.3. I suggest to upgrade to 7.1 - they use newer easyTravel and fix some bugs.

One more suggestion is to use the correct ports forwarded by docker. When you run "docker ps" command you will see which ports are forwarded to each components. In this case when we want to access "frontend", you will want to access either "nginx" or "frontend", with ports of 1118 and 1117 in following example:

Dynatrace Organizer
Dynatrace Organizer

Here is what I did on Ubuntu to allow access to easyTravel running in docker.

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' www

export DWWW=`sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' www`

echo $DWWW

sudo -E bash -c 'export DWWW=$DWWW'

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --source $DWWW --destination $DWWW -p tcp --dport 80 -j MASQUERADE

sudo iptables -t nat -A DOCKER ! -i docker0 --source --destination -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $DWWW

sudo iptables -A DOCKER ! -i docker0 -o docker0 --source --destination $DWWW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

I put this in a script and run it after the docker-compose up.

I do it this way because the docker ip for the www instance can change and you need to know this for the iptables.

You would need to run the above as sudo

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