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How to check Host Unit Hours (HUH) and which host is consuming them?


Hi team

I have one query regarding host unit hours(HUH) how to track & which host is consuming HUH ? 

How to check in Dynatrace UI?

can you please let us know 





Lakshmi Narayana


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

The Host Unit Hours is a separate license only from licensing/business perspective. Host consume host units and when you are starting consuming above the limit (purchased host unit licenses) you can consume host unit overages which are the host unit hours.
So when you are consuming up to the number of purchased host units, you are not consuming any of the host unit hours. Any agent connected or reconnected after you hit the limit will consume host unit hours (if they are available to you).

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Hi Julius_Loman,

Thanks for the update 

I have one more query in our case  we are consuming up to the number of purchased host units only. we have enough licences for hosts but why HUH consuming.

Is there any reason.

Can you please let us know 



Lakshmi narayana

If you are not reaching your host limit, you are not consuming host unit hours.
So if you have for example 10 HU, and 10 HUH purchased, then:

  • if you are consuming less or equal 10HU, no HUH consumption takes place
  • if you are consuming over 10HU, the value above 10HU gets consumed from HUH
Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Hi Julius_Loman,

We are using less than purchased HU, But still  HUH are consuming .

we don't know the reason why  happening like this

Can you please let us know 



Lakshmi Narayana


You must reach to DynatraceOne for that. I don't think the HUH are consumed in your case, since the license display shows you how much have you already consumed from the HUH, not how much are you consuming right now.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Ok Julius_Loman,

Thanks for the update

Thank you Julius_Loman

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Hi Lakshmi, 


As Julius said the host unit hours are only consumed when HU are at 100%, it is true that you might see some HUH consumption, but this is not real consumption but rather a calculation of HU translated in HUH. So nothing to worry there. I agree it does confuse customers sometimes.

Kind regards,


Koen Willekens



Thank you Koen Willekens

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