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OneAgent Extension didn't enable log monitoring by default

It seems like it didn't, because for every Virtual Machine in Azure where the OneAgent extension is installed, this is what I see:

Or is this the behavior if I installed the extension in Azure VM? (i.e the default setting of enable log monitoring is only enabled if I installed the extension in Azure WebApp, but not Azure VM)


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

At least for Linux (I guess it is the same for Windows) you need to explicitly turn on log monitoring at installation time with the parameter APP_LOG_CONTENT_ACCESS (the default value is not to turn on this feature, unless you specify the value "true" or 1 for this parameter).

How exactly did you install your Windows agents?

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

After login to the Azure Portal, I've intalled it using the GUI way as outlined here:

I installed the OneAgent Extension to these VMs, its not like, I RDP into these VMs, then double click to run the OneAgent installer in them.


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