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Will Microsoft Message Queueing Extension work with Clustered Servers?


There is an extension on Dynatrace hub that would monitor Microsoft Message Queueing (MSMQ) metrics: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) | Dynatrace Hub


There is a situation that there are 2 Windows servers being clustered for MSMQ. How will the extension handle MSMQ metrics from both servers? I assume I will be installing OneAgent onto both servers.


Has anyone tried monitoring MSMQ on clustered Windows servers?


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

The oneagent and or extension would need to reside on both hosts 


DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Would love to see what you figure out.  We have a MS MQ cluster but DT can not monitor it.    In order to view the cluster you go to the windows machine and login to the cluster with and id/pass. It's the way that MS creates the cluster, it's odd.

The MS MQ extension does not have the ability to take this action thus it is unable to monitor a cluster environment.


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