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Events and webinars

Event has ended
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
As Dynatrace Community is a place not only to help each other and extend knowledge between Community members from all over the world but to build and tighten more personal relationships as well, the Community Team is happy to invite you to take part in June AMA Session 🗣 (Ask Me Anything). During these meetings, all Dynatrace Community members can ask questions live and have a dialogue with the hosts or other participants on topics related to all aspects of the Community like onboarding, content, feedback about the forum, topics related to the Dynatrace platform, Community team, but company in general as well. We will do our best to answer all questions or address them in the best way. 🔝   If you would like to propose some topic or dive deeper into some subject during the AMA session feel free to propose it anytime. We are open to all suggestions so if you will have any ideas about the topics to be discussed or questions before the scheduled upfront session, please write them down in the comment under the event. And of course, if the Community team or someone from Dynatrace would like to share important news with Community members, we will use these slots to provide you with material about detailed topics. We assure you that we will communicate it upfront so you can know about it, and prepare and participate in the dedicated to it slots. AMA sessions will behold regularly, usually in the third week of every month, so to keep on track please follow our Event and webinar subforum. 😉 Meanwhile, stay tuned, book a spot in your calendar for the June meeting and see you soon! Let’s get to know each other and speak about anything. 😉   Community Team
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Event has ended
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Event has ended
Thursday, July 21, 2022
As Dynatrace Community is a place not only to help each other and extend knowledge between Community members from all over the world but to build and tighten more personal relationships as well, the Community Team is happy to invite you to take part in the JULY AMA Session 🗣 (Ask Me Anything). During these meetings, all Dynatrace Community members can ask questions live and have a dialogue with the hosts or other participants on topics related to all aspects of the Community like onboarding, content, feedback about the forum, topics related to the Dynatrace platform, Community team, but company in general as well. We will do our best to answer all questions or address them in the best way. 🔝 If you would like to propose some topic or dive deeper into some subject during the AMA session feel free to propose it anytime. We're open to all suggestions so if you'll have any ideas about the topics to be discussed or questions before the scheduled upfront session, please write them down in the comment under the event. And of course, if the Community team or someone from Dynatrace would like to share important news with Community members, we will use these slots to provide you with material about detailed topics. We assure you that we will communicate it upfront so you can know about it, and prepare and participate in the dedicated to it slots. AMA sessions will behold regularly, usually in the third week of every month, so to keep on track please follow our Event and webinar subforum. 😉 Meanwhile, stay tuned, book a spot in your calendar for the JULY meeting and see you soon! Let’s get to know each other and speak about anything. 😉
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Event has ended
Thursday, August 18, 2022
As Dynatrace Community is a place not only to help each other and extend knowledge between Community members from all over the world but to build and tighten more personal relationships as well, the Community Team is happy to invite you to take part in the AUGUST AMA Session 🗣 (Ask Me Anything). During these meetings, all Dynatrace Community members can ask questions live and have a dialogue with the hosts or other participants on topics related to all aspects of the Community like onboarding, content, feedback about the forum, topics related to the Dynatrace platform, Community team, but company in general as well. We will do our best to answer all questions or address them in the best way. 🔝 If you would like to propose some topic or dive deeper into some subject during the AMA session feel free to propose it anytime. We're open to all suggestions so if you'll have any ideas about the topics to be discussed or questions before the scheduled upfront session, please write them down in the comment under the event. And of course, if the Community team or someone from Dynatrace would like to share important news with Community members, we will use these slots to provide you with material about detailed topics. We assure you that we will communicate it upfront so you can know about it, and prepare and participate in the dedicated to it slots. AMA sessions will behold regularly, usually in the third week of every month, so to keep on track please follow our Event and webinar subforum. 😉 Meanwhile, stay tuned, book a spot in your calendar for the AUGUST meeting and see you soon! Let’s get to know each other and speak about anything. 😉
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Event has ended
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
There's no easy way to say this: Agencies can't keep up with their own technology advances. IT is so critical to how agencies manage their operations and deliver services, yet their staffing and other resources are perpetually constrained. It's simply not possible to ask the staff to manage all that complexity. Instead, governments must rely on technology to deliver services in the most efficient ways possible. One way is to use artificial intelligence to automate IT operations (AIOps). This works by enabling IT teams to effectively manage complex environments without piling on new tasks or training – and allowing them to focus on higher-value work. Join us online Wednesday, Aug. 31 from 2-2:45 p.m. ET to hear from government and industry experts as they walk through how AIOps allows agencies to do more with current capabilities, while speeding response times, reducing redundant work and multiplying productivity.  Specifically, you’ll learn: About the complex environments that allow for digital transformation, and how governments can best navigate through these changes. The biggest pain points that are preventing agencies from adopting AI.  From government and industry leaders about their best practices and steps to bring more observability into these complex environments. - - - Speakers: Howard Spira, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Information Management and Technology, Export-Import Bank of the United States Willie Hicks, Public Sector Chief Technologist, Dynatrace - - - Registration: ➡️ LINK
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Event has ended
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
As Dynatrace Community is a place not only to help each other and extend knowledge between Community members from all over the world but to build and tighten more personal relationships as well, the Community Team is happy to invite you to take part in the SEPTEMBER AMA Session 🗣 (Ask Me Anything). During these meetings, all Dynatrace Community members can ask questions live and have a dialogue with the hosts or other participants on topics related to all aspects of the Community like onboarding, content, feedback about the forum, topics related to the Dynatrace platform, Community team, but company in general as well. We will do our best to answer all questions or address them in the best way. 🔝 If you would like to propose some topic or dive deeper into some subject during the AMA session feel free to propose it anytime. We're open to all suggestions so if you'll have any ideas about the topics to be discussed or questions before the scheduled upfront session, please write them down in the comment under the event. And of course, if the Community team or someone from Dynatrace would like to share important news with Community members, we will use these slots to provide you with material about detailed topics. We assure you that we will communicate it upfront so you can know about it, and prepare and participate in the dedicated to it slots. AMA sessions will regularly behold, so to keep on track please follow our Event and webinar subforum. 😉 Meanwhile, stay tuned, book a spot in your calendar for the SEPTEMBER meeting and see you soon! Let’s get to know each other and speak about anything! 😊
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Event has ended
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
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As Dynatrace Community is a place not only to help each other and extend knowledge between Community members from all over the world but to build and tighten more personal relationships as well, the Community Team is happy to invite you to take part in the SEPTEMBER AMA Session 🗣 (Ask Me Anything). During these meetings, all Dynatrace Community members can ask questions live and have a dialogue with the hosts or other participants on topics related to all aspects of the Community like onboarding, content, feedback about the forum, topics related to the Dynatrace platform, Community team, but company in general as well. We will do our best to answer all questions or address them in the best way. 🔝 If you would like to propose some topic or dive deeper into some subject during the AMA session feel free to propose it anytime. We're open to all suggestions so if you'll have any ideas about the topics to be discussed or questions before the scheduled upfront session, please write them down in the comment under the event. And of course, if the Community team or someone from Dynatrace would like to share important news with Community members, we will use these slots to provide you with material about detailed topics. We assure you that we will communicate it upfront so you can know about it, and prepare and participate in the dedicated to it slots. AMA sessions will regularly behold, so to keep on track please follow our Event and webinar subforum. 😉 Meanwhile, stay tuned, book a spot in your calendar for the SEPTEMBER meeting and see you soon! Let’s get to know each other and speak about anything! 😊 - - - Join from your browser or by using a direct Zoom link.
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