19 May 2024 04:26 AM
Hi all,
I am trying to build an custom extension for getting the queries executed on database. Can anyone pls help me out with any sample template of YAMl file ? Or can anyone pls guide the parameters for sqlOracle in custom extension ?
I have done as following and it is not working. Please guide me where i am wrong
19 May 2024 09:47 AM
Our out of the box extension already does this, so you can grab that one as a base. Just go to the hub: https://www.dynatrace.com/hub/detail/oracle-database/#release-notes , expand one of the versions and download it. You can then open the extension.yaml file and search for topN.
30 May 2024 03:32 AM
When will you provide virtual Hands on Training Session on how to expand versions of Oracle and SQL Server extensions?
Best Regards.