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Custom xenserver api extension

Frequent Guest


My name is Richard.

I recently created a custom xenserverapi python extension collecting xenserver memory free and xenserver memory total and it works fine.

I recently enhanced my custom extension by adding additional metrics for xenserver host_rrd and now when I deployed my updated custom xenserverapi extension I received the error message shown below.  The extension simulation in Vscode works fine with no issues. 

I tried the option shown below when running the dt-sdk build but no luck. 

I know Dynatrace support do not help with custom extensions so I'm hoping I can get help here in the community.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank You! 

dt-sdk build --extra-platform win_amd64

Frequent Guest

Here is the error message:

2024-11-19 05:45:24.225 UTC [0013e340] info    [native] Rejected fastcheck for task f_1446802292442345528 - 

2024-11-19 05:45:26.621 UTC [0013e340] warning [native] Failed to prepare extension environment:

  id: f_1446802292442345528

  datasource: python:3.10

  time elapsed: 1.19s

  command: "/var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/runtime/extensions/python_venvs/custom_centene.xenapi.metric.extension_0.0.17/bin/python3" -m pip install --no-warn-script-location --no-cache-dir --no-index -f /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/agent/runtime/extensions/cache/custom_centene.xenapi.metric.extension/0.0.17/lib xensrvapi

  error: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement charset-normalizer<4,>=2 (from requests) (from versions: none)

 ERROR: No matching distribution found for charset-normalizer<4,>=2

Hello Everyone,

I fixed my own issue.  Appears I used the incorrect option for dt-sdk build to resolve the charset-normalize error.

After applying the correct option via dt-sdk build  "--extra-platform manylinux2014_x86_64" my custom xensever extension is now working collecting xenserver host_rrd metrics in data explorer.

Link to dt-sdk build documentation*gl7fj7*_g... 

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