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Is it possible to add metrics from ActiveGate plugin to existing entity?



I'm trying to create my first ActiveGate plugin.

I want to add metrics from ActiveGate plugin to Oracle DB process.

I have read the documentations, and it is said that create custom "Device Group" in the document.
But in my case, the target process has already existed. (Oracle DB)

Could you tell me whether it is possible to add metrics from ActiveGate plugin to existing entity?


Noah Kobayashi



Hello, we plan to add it. Currently it isn't possible. Please note that Oracle monitoring EAP is open

Thank you for your quick response!

I know the Oracle monitoring EAP. But our customer has requested us very many metrics of Oracle. So, I'm checking the ActiveGate plugin for the second option.

Hello @Jakub M.

Is it possible today to add activegate remote agent plugin metrics to an existing entity ?

Best Regards,

Fousseyni B.

Any updates if it is possible to add custom metrics to existing entities?

kind regards


Hello Rene F.

If you are using a oneagent plugin, it is possible to add a custom metrics to an existing entity.(Entity View => Further details)

In case you are using an activegate remote plugin you will create a custom device on which you will add your custom metrics.

Kind regards

Bouare F.

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