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Monitoring IBM MQ


We have configured the IBM MQ and enabled the 2 Queue Managers. But as we see in the logs, the dtuser trying to connect the unconfigured queue managers. We would like to know if is there a way to restrict the dtuser to not connect the unconfigured queue managers.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @kiranraju,


I also relaized it in this week from a log at a clinet. It was a oneagent extension not an active gate extension. I have not found any settings on the GUI for the restrictions.


I suggest to raise a support ticket or turn to the extension team. Maybe @diego_morales could provide a contact for you.


Best regards,



Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional


Thanks, Mizso. @diego_morales could you please help on this.

Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi @kiranraju ,


Thanks for reaching out. The OneAgent extension only collects queues/channels/listener metrics from those that were specified. However, it attempts to get availability status from the other ones on the same host. If it is not able to connect to check their availability, it just skips them.




@diego_morales  - Is there a way to restrict connecting the unconfigured Queues?

@diego_morales Can we restrict the Dynatrace to restrict availability checks for unmonitored queue managers using access to MQM folders?

No. It goes by running process on the host and checks for status on queue managers according to running process. It does not determine which QM to connect by access to MQM folders.

Are you experiencing performance or issues with this availability check? Could you explain? Perhaps we can enhance the extension for this.







The customer is seeing more logs in their MQ debug log file for the queue managers as it is writing the log every minute as mentioned below.

"AMQ8077W: Entity 'dtuser' has insufficient authority to access object EPED1


It is causing the problem to Analyse the logs for application specific errors and consuming log size.

@diego_morales May I get the update on the above query, please?

Frequent Guest

Hi kiranraju,


Let me understand your question better. You inform that you configured 2 endpoints in the plugin (extension) and that when checking the log, you verify that it tries to connect other endpoints? Regardless of the user, the truth is that it makes no sense to search for a connection in unconfigured locations. It would be nice if you post the version of your IBM MQ extension, the snippet of the log which could be the output of the command: #tailf -100 /var/lib/dynatrace/remotepluginmodule/log/remoteplugin/custom.remote.python.ibmmq_java/IBM_MQ_Java_Plugin.log. Also images of the endpoints that are configured in the extension's UI.

With this information it is easier to help you.


Alex Cunha


Hi @AlexCunha  - The logs We are talking about are in IBM MQ and not Dynatrace. Attached is the file for your reference and also attached are the endpoints which are configured in UI.




From what I see is a clear error in user permissions. I was talking to the MQ specialist here at my institution. It informs that in this situation the user "dtuser" must be placed in the "mqm" group of the server where the agent runs.

Can you do this test?


Alex Cunha

Thanks, @AlexCunha . We will check and get back to you.

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