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Bulk deletion of access tokens

Frequent Guest

Is there a way to bulk delete access tokens?
We were using the third-party Ping integration, which requires an access token.
We aren't using them anymore, and I have several hundred disabled, but I would like to delete them.



You can use API to delete access tokens

you can use postman to call the api and delete bulk token OR you can use python also for bulk deletion 

Dynatrace Certified Professional

Yes but I would have to retrieve the IDs of all of the tokens and loop them through the api call. I know how to do that I just wondered if there was a way to select all the tokens that are disabled and delete them. Within the GUI would be preferred.

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

If pulling the values for the tokens is a pain point, your only going to be able to click one by one and select delete. Are you SaaS? im thinking maybe the services portal would have more of a bulk delete. But if your not a SaaS customer thats out of the question.


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