15 Apr 2020 02:54 PM
Dear All,
Can we take the on-demand thread dumps?
Can we schedule the thread dumps?
What is the overhead and drawbacks of the continuous thread analysis feature?
16 Apr 2020 08:44 AM
I take advantage of this to ask - What is the retaining period of the continuous thread analysis? Is it related to the code-level retaining period? (Purepath)
30 Jan 2023 02:42 PM
I am also looking for thread dump creations. looking for update
31 Jan 2023 01:55 PM
Hi, see my reply below!
31 Jan 2023 01:54 PM
Hi everyone,
Heres some answers to these old but still relevant questions:
Overhead of continous thread analysis is minimal and the OneAgent itself tracks overhead and will automatically adjust capture rate of thread samples.
Data retention is the same as Distributed Trace Data (https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/data-retention#purepath).
There is no way in Dynatrace to trigger a thread dump, also no need for it since with continous thread analysis the OneAgent captures thread dumps all the time automatically.
31 Jan 2023 02:08 PM
Hello @josef_schiessl
There are a few requirements to get the continuous thread analysis benefits. It is not applicable to all environments. So whether Dynatrace will have to change the minimum requirements or they will have to introduce the manual way.
31 Jan 2023 02:13 PM
True, if there is a need for the ability to trigger thread dumps via OneAgent, I would suggest to create an RFE in the Product Ideas section!