17 May 2018 07:21 AM
Hi Guys,
I instruemented a .NET Application with Dynatrace Managed and found a Trace which seems to have a very high CPU contribution. Unfortunately I'm not able to find out why. It seems that the process just opens a Dialog and waits for user Input, I hope that won't use any cpu !?
Do you have any suggestions how I can find the culprit?
17 May 2018 07:22 AM
Sorry forgot the picture 😉
17 May 2018 09:24 AM
what's inside showdialog ? (click on > near showdialog)
17 May 2018 11:53 AM
I uploaded a picture with all levels expanded.
17 May 2018 02:20 PM
not sure in this case. maybe dialog opens some heavy directory ?
18 May 2018 09:12 AM
Unfortunately I have no details on this application. But shouldn't this be visualized by Dynatrace. In AppMon e.g. we could see IO time.