11 Jul 2022
04:09 PM
- last edited on
12 Jul 2022
08:35 AM
So the following syntax for a simple dashboard is passing syntax check. I'm able to get it to display results for the servers in the AND (in()) condition as well as in the and(not(in)) condition.
but I am unable to get the list of servers in the OR condition. Any suggestions on why this would be?
builtin:host.cpu.usage:filter(and(in("dt.entity.host",entitySelector("type(host),entityName.startsWith(~"ABC~")"))),and(not(in("dt.entity.host", entitySelector("type(~"HOST~"),entityName.equals(~"DEF~")")))),or(in("dt.entity.host", entitySelector("type(~"HOST~"),entityName.startsWith(~"GHI~")")))):splitBy("dt.entity.host"):avg:auto:sort(value(avg,descending)):limit(100)
I also have no issues seeing the results of the following looking for just servers GHI. It's only when I include the OR condition that the data for the below no longer appears in the query above:
13 Jul 2022 10:37 AM
By any chance were you able to find the cause by now?
13 Jul 2022 05:46 PM
No, this is still an open issue for me.