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Dynatrace SAP ABAP platform monitoring


Good afternoon.

I have some Windows and Linux servers and I want to monitor SAP ABAP to monitor them in Dynatrace. Just install OneAgent because my contract does not include the extension that was released. Is there any way to monitor them without installing the extension Dynatrace SAP ABAP platform monitoring?



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

You will just have an infrastructure monitoring for those servers. SAP is not a supported technology for deep monitoring, thus running Oneagent in the typical full-stack mode will likely not bring you any benefits. However, you won't be able to monitor ABAP.

I'm just wondering - did you try to talk to your Dynatrace representative why the extension is not available for you?

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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