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Ignoring request errors for specific browser types

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Is it possible to ignore a request error for one or multiple browser types (for example all mobile browser types) only? 

I want to ignore a failed image request error with the same URL for all browser types if it is occurring for a mobile browser type, as the image is not supposed to be loaded in the mobile version. For all web browser types I would like the error to be captured.


A Dynatrace Professional nerd working for Conclusion Xforce

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


If the the image is not supposed to be loaded in the mobile version, shouldn't you try to correct the application so it doesn't load it in the first place?

Antonio Sousa

@marina_pollehn  this is the best solution recommended by @AntonioSousa  😄.

Any way you can try checking this blog if it helps mute alerts for problematic service request 


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