01 Feb 2023
09:19 PM
- last edited on
03 Feb 2023
08:00 AM
I'm building a monitor for another technology and we need to track current status (Running, Complete, Misfire) and the date of last run.
There have been some suggested tricks on using dimensions to hold the Status value but it hasn't been very reliable or a robust solution. Sometimes the analysis results return all 3 status values should they have all occurred within the sample timeline.
I may have read of tricks of storing the date in EPOX as a metric. But then can you get Dynatrace to then represent that as a date.
Ultimate idea is to then build a dataexplorer data to show
name1-------RUNNING-------2/1/2023 16:16
name2-------SUCCESS-------1/30/2023 21:00
name3-------MISFIRE-------2/1/2023 3:00
But then we can run queries that could tell us when was the last successful run. What was the latest STATUS for APIXXX.
02 Feb 2023 02:23 PM
Hey Chad,
Wouldn't the LAST transformation (https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/api-metrics-v2-selector#last) help you?
02 Feb 2023 04:36 PM
How are you sending the data to dynatrace? Time should not be required to be sent as dimension, since it is natively used when ingesting data thru API.
02 Feb 2023 09:25 PM
@ct_27 Metrics in Dynatrace did never fit this use case. Even there was some sort of state type metric in Extesion 1.0 which in fact was a dummy metric value with a state dimension. But only working visual representation was always a Graph.
Can't you just send it as log entries (using Log Monitoring v2 of course) and display them on dashboard? This works, it's easy.
07 Feb 2023 06:21 AM
Hi @ct_27
You have 2 approaches here (according Your question) + 1 other if I'm guessing right why are You doing it:
07 Feb 2023 07:35 AM
07 Feb 2023 03:52 PM
Thank you for understanding the situation and providing some very creative solutions. I'm going to try leveraging the Release Management module and the markdown solution. The markdown solution is very creative. [If MarkUP (true HTML) were permitted in dashboards, that would have been even better.]
I should have time on Friday to try out these ideas and get back to the group with what worked. Thanks so much for all the suggestions.