31 Mar 2022 08:37 AM
Dear All,
I wanted to express my thoughts about the subject feature. I can recall that in the past if someone mistakenly/or without proper knowledge disabled the Real User Monitoring from one/or several processes, it was a nightmare to find those processes to enable after knowing why do we need to enable this feature.
The following feature allowed us to fix our previous mistakes.
The said feature will allow you to enable the RUM on all process groups related to the application.
31 Mar 2022 01:27 PM
That's great! thanks for sharing @Babar_Qayyum 😀
31 Mar 2022 02:05 PM
That's really great!!
We just need to be careful in case of the frontend app we are troubleshooting is with no data, for example, due to some change on app backend that causes the ruxit script be broken on the web page, because, since Dynatrace can not get updated data from the services, it still tells that the RUM is enabled on the process group, even if no process group is present.
So it is like a last picture from the last time it got data on it. The healthcheck seems to be useful when the ruxit is still present on the page.