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"dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id:" are getting appended in each property in log


I have installed one agent in my local and after that i am seeing "dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id:" are getting appended in logs.

I am using logstash for log format

ex log:

{"@timestamp":"2022-12-01T17:30:19.403Z","level":"INFO dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","service":"Logback-demo dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","traceId":" dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","spanId":" dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","parentSpanId":" dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","pid":"22608 dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","thread":"main dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","class":"c.r.logbackdemo.LogbackDemoApplication dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: ","message":"dt.trace_sampled: , dt.trace_id: , dt.span_id: Starting LogbackDemoApplication using Java 11.0.15 on USHYDRAJESHPR5 with PID 22608 (C:\\Users\\prrajesh\\Downloads\\logback-demo\\logback-demo\\build\\classes\\java\\main started by prrajesh in C:\\Users\\prrajesh\\Documents\\Code Repo\\New folder\\eai-codegen\\eai-codegen)"}

logback xml configuration :

<springProperty scope="context" name="appName" source=""/>
<appender name="JSON_CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LoggingEventCompositeJsonEncoder">
<!--<jsonGeneratorDecorator class="net.logstash.logback.decorate.PrettyPrintingJsonGeneratorDecorator"/>-->
"level": "%level",
"service": "${appName:-}",
"traceId": "%X{traceId:-}",
"spanId": "%X{spanId:-}",
"parentSpanId": "%X{parentSpanId:-}",
"pid": "${PID:-}",
"thread": "%thread",
"class": "%logger{40}",
"message": "%message"


I dont want these new properties to be appended in my logs
Is there any way to disable this log enrichment from logstash xml instead from dynatrace console

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

We have encountered issues with logback's logstash extension in the past whenever there is a custom pattern (as in this case) defined.

In order to resolve your issue, please disable unstructured log enrichment for this process (via "Settings" - "Preferences" - "OneAgent features" - "Java - Trace/span context enrichment for unstructured logs").

In order to have your logs enriched with DT spanId and traceId nevertheless, you can adapt your XML configuration file like this:

<includeMdcKeyName>dt.span_id</includeMdcKeyName> <includeMdcKeyName>dt.trace_id</includeMdcKeyName> <includeMdcKeyName></includeMdcKeyName> </mdc>

Our documentation regarding Logback and logstash will be updated soon.

is it not supported with custom pattern currently?

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

Unstructured log enrichment in general is currently unsupported when logstash is used. The updated documentation will point that out.

Please note that with the version 7.4 of logstash this workaround is not necessary anymore.

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