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hope to get help.
Monitoring k8s, only monitoring a specific namespace, can this be implemented, if so, what configuration needs to be done.
Hi, We have some spring boot application, running in a docker container with AWS fargate. We used the runtime injection described here
Dear Dynatrace community
The KEDA Open Source Community has just released its latest version 2.15 which also includes the first officially supported Dynatrace Metrics Based Scaler: https://ked...
We have document here which mentions about how to Deploy Dynatrace Operator with images from private registry
We are currently trying to enrich our Kubernetes visibility with OTEL collector since the default Dynatrace visibility lacks many important aspects how the Kubernetes itself is behaving. We ...
...roxy container that is running in the same pod. Say we don't want this container to be monitored but want our app containers (the names of which can be anything based on what teams want - and there a...
There has been a request to monitor some debug logs inside a Wordpress for Linux App Service in Azure. This file is in /home/site/wwwroote/wp-content/debug.log
We have the OA installed but as...
...neagent-csi-driver" is invalid: [spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts.mountPropagation: Forbidden: Bidirectional mount propagation is available only to privileged containers, spec.template.spec...