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Alerting profile


I would like to set an alerting profile on a specific host to only alert CPU saturation after 60 minutes of violation. On the alerting profile in host level, it is limiting me to 30 minutes. Can I alternatively set a custom alert for that or there is a different way to do it


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can create an alerting profile base on that:


Select only resource as severity rule at 60 minutes.

Select event filter by CPU.

I would suggest you using a uniq tag for your host.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl


Hi @pfariso1 

For your requirement you can go to that host settings page "Anomaly detection--->Infrastructure--->Detect CPU Saturation on host". Here you need to change detection mode from automatic to custom setting.
Then set the threshold value. In the violating samples give "180" and in the evaluation window for violation sample give "180".

So here you set the condition to trigger the alert after 30 minutes of violation. And in the Alert profile you have default "30 minutes" delay. SO all together it will trigger the alert after 1 hour. 

There is another option available from alerting profile. You can create a tag for that host and in the alerting profile you can increase the time from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. Then select that tag in the "Filter problem by tag" field. But keep in mind this rule will applicable to all the resources.

Ramanan Raghunathan

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