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Change the severity of problem to minor or major


Hi all ,

Think that there is a problem related to disk usage.

Let we assume that

The total available space on disk I:\ is lower than 0.5 %.


we don't want to set threshold and turn off the alert, we want to set it as a minor - It should alert and we should know that it is a minor, then we won't call the relevant system person


I am not sure if it is possible, if it is not possible right now, is there a any workaround solution to do that ?


Best Regards,





You can create a custom alert and put mayor or minor on the title or the description

After that, you can use those words as event filters to exclude from your alerting profile



Well, it is about single metric (Disk available). But, there are many minor metrics such as, response time, cpu usage, memory usage etc. In this scenario, we have to create a custom events for all possible events. In large environment, is this a useful ? I don't think so ?

You can't edit the problem card for an OOTB alert to include the word minor or major if you want to do that you need to create the custom alert.

Take a look at the predefined list of event filters or configure a custom one to exclude the alert from your alerting profile. That way, Dynatrace is going to use your current settings to detect/create the alert (in the UI), but the alert won't be sent to any of the integrations that you have defined that are using that alert profile.

thank you alonso for your answering.

What is the dynatrace version we can see this. I am not seeing custom alert option in my dynatrace console


It is called metric events today.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

1. How do i setup metric events and change an alert from Major to Minor like we had in custom alert

2. For an given CI - how do we setup avaliablity as SEV 2 and rest all alerts as SEV 3 in dynatrace.


Davis is going make some categorization by itself depending entities affected. If you want to have that categorization, my suggestion would be tagging those entitines (services, hosts, processes...) with that information.

For example, service A is SEV 2 and service B is SEV 3. Problem card will have tags of affected entities in problem.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

For an Single Host.  we want to availability as P2 and remaining as P3. How do we do this.


I will tag that host with that information. Something as "Severity:P2".

You can create manual / automatic tag rules about that.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

For an host please help me how to set all availablity incidents to P2 and rest resource, error for same host as P3.

If this possible, please let me know steps to do that.



You can define tags to that host, some key value pair with Severity P2, or convention you prefer.

For example:


Then, host XXXX and processes + services in relation to that host will have tag "Severity:P2".

You can create another automatic rule for tagging all entities (without P2 tag) as Severity:P3.

You have more than way to do it, this is just an example.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Thanks. How do I do screen share for one host with you to make sure I am doing correct.

What are the other options we have in having different severity with in a single host. happy to have call with you if possible


Hi AntonPineiro
What are the other options we have in having different severity with in a single host. happy to have call with you if possible

Currently Disk space alerts coming as Resource event and it is coming as P2.  so we need this disk space alerts to come as slowdown event so that it will come as P3. How do we with this metric events?

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Since Dynatrace has AI integrated into the platform, all problems that are raised have been evaluated via DAVIS and raised as a major issue.


Ok, i got it. Thank you Chad , for your answering

What are the other options we have in having different severity with in a single host. 
For e,g - all availability issues needs to be reported as P2 and rest resource, error  needs to be reported as P3 from Dynatrace. How do we do this?