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Custom Anomaly detection for Specific drives on a host


We are currently deploying Dynatrace in a large environment. We have a use case which requires that certain host alerts be sent to Support Team A, and other's to Support Team B, e.g. Support Team A needs to be notified if the c:\ is running out of space, but Support Team B needs to know if the D:\ is running out of space for a specific host (or group of hosts).

I have been trying to set up an Custom rule to do this, but cant seem to do so.

Is there any way that this can be achieved?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

You can specify custom thresholds for specific drives, but you can't create alerting profiles based on drives, as you can only tag an entire host not a drive.

You could open an enhancement request though.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

The RFE can be foudn here:

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Dynatrace Guide
Dynatrace Guide

First step would be creating 2 separate alert profiles "Team A" and "Team B", then on host level; you can select the specific drive you want to assign to each team.


You actually can specify different settings per disk in the 'anomaly detection' settings on a specific host:

Browse to the specific host's edit page, then you can change these on a per disk basis. You would then take the approach that the other's have outlined here of setting up alerting profiles.


But, alerting profiles can only be based on tags, and a tag is assigned to the entire host not a single disk, so that won't work, right? Or am I missing something here?

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Hey Patrick,

You are correct. Alerting Profiles can only be based on tags so this won't work. I believe his best option to handle this is to create an alerting profile that sends both to a recipient and that recipient should have an email forwarding rule based on the contents of the email notification e.g from noreply@dynatrace, subject contains whatever set for the subject of the notification and if body contains "disk C:\" to team A and the "disk D:\" to team B (this is an example do not use this rule verbatim)



Ah yes, good point Patrick. My mistake on not seeing that specific use case.


Thanks for the responses. @Patrick H. I will open an RFE for this.


Using "Custom disk-detection rule" creates some custom disk rules for specific drives or mount points, then create some alerting profiles by using the "Custom disk-detection rule" as filters, then create the notification with these different alerting profiles, which will triggers alerts to different recipients, repectively, while tagging on drives or mount points is not available. I tested and it works for me.

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