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Custom alerts for individual tomcat thread pools

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

I would like to receive an alert when the number of busy threads in a specific thread pool reaches a fixed threshold.

I can see the thread pool in the process metrics - for example "https-jsse-nio-8443" as shown here:

However, it seems it's not possible to create a custom alert for the above thread pool alone as only the total is available as metric "Tomcat busy threads":

Is there any way around that or is that a known limitation and potential candidate for an RFE?



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

The only workaround you can do is push information about thread pools state to dynatrace, and there are some options for that:

I think best option will be the first one.


Regards, Sebastian

Hi Sebastian.

I'll reate a JMX plugin then to have this covered until 180 is pushed to our cluster.


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Hi Enrico,

You will love this upcoming feature. Its already pretty close to general availability. Will be available in release 179 (Dynatrace SaaS) and 180 Dynatrace Managed.

Best greetings,


Cool! Super handy thing 😉

Regards, Sebastian

Hi Wolfgang,

That's the feature I expected to see from the start - so yes, definitely looking forward 🙂

Thanks for the feedback!

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