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Is there any way to associate a tag with an event?



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

About which event you are talking about? In general, when problem is raised, it is possible to send entity tags as well in pry load on webhook integration. So if you are talking about events that are affecting raising problems then yes. If about events like deployments send to hosts/processes via api than no. But I’m not sure about what use case are you talking about 🙂


Regards, Sebastian

Hello Sebastian,

Thank you for answer, in this case i talk about events generated via API. Unfortunately, it can only be associated with an entity. Another point, when I generate an event via API, it only generates the problem, not associating the event with a device, this can be a possible issue? Or problem with setup of payload?

Thank You so much

Carlos Coqueiro

This depends of the event type.

Not all type of events will show in event log. You can use tag rules for events: Problems that are raised based on event should contains tags correlated to particular entity that is involved:

As you can see on bottom, there are tags in payload (screen from custom webhook integration)


Regards, Sebastian

Hello Sebastian,

Thank you for answer, I understand that I will have to create an Entity custom device for each specific event, but what I could not understand is still why not relate the event to the entity, in the photo below, the problem is generated, but in the entity is not related any event , even using the rule tag.

My payload:


"eventType": "ERROR_EVENT",

"start": "1570473432000",

"timeoutMinutes": "0",

"attachRules": {

"entityIds": ["CUSTOM_DEVICE-2BAC79F6F69F097F"],

"tagRule": [ {

"meTypes": [ "CUSTOM_DEVICE" ],

"tags": [ {

"context": "CONTEXTLESS",

"key": "towerA"

} ]

} ]


"source": "Request",

"title": "Request",

"description":"Tower A",

"customProperties": {

"Descrição": "Problens found. Check it",

"Informações complementares": "Some information"



Thank you very much again


Carlos Coqueiro

It's not what I've told you. I've told that there are different type of events. If event is invormational like deployment / restart / crash than you will see it in event log of entity. If event is used to rise problem you will never see it there. Such information as only in problem screen

Regards, Sebastian

Thank you very much Sebastian, now is clear for me, i gotcha!

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