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ServiceNow Integration via API - Querying DT IDs


Hi all,


We have an integration with ServiceNow that works correctly but we have the problem that ServiceNow must know the IDs of the dynatrace entities previously, in order to be able to define the alerts.
Currently we are manually passing this data but I was wondering if there is a way for ServiceNow to query, via API or by any other means, the IDs of the entities, for example of the services (SERVICE-XXXXX). And do it automatically.

I know there is the possibility to create a script that, via REST API, queries this data, but the client prefers not to do this.

Is there a possibility for SNOW to query the IDs of the services automatically?


Thank a lot in advance

Kind Regards


Rob D.


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Hi Rob, 


   We have a CMDB integration with ServiceNow which should pull all entities from Dynatrace into ServiceNow. If you are using our Events or Incident integration, this works help with CI binding/assignment for Alerts. It brings in the entity Id from Dynatrace too. Let us know if you need any help




Thank you,

That's what we made and it works



Rob D.

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