📢 Documentation update for Workflows for Slack API endpoint change 600 Views 0 replies 3 kudos automations slack workflows This thread is pinned
New Documentation for Account configuration for Monaco account management 690 Views 0 replies 6 kudos account management automations documentation This thread is pinned
Email for Workflows documentation 2365 Views 4 replies 11 kudos documentation workflows This thread is pinned
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Resolved! Dynatrace to Remedy Integration through Apigee API Proxy Gateway 2953 Views 2 replies 0 kudos integrations
Resolved! Dynatrace / xMatters documentation I believe is outdated - Just a heads up 3800 Views 2 replies 1 kudos documentation gui integrations
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Resolved! Resolve a problem in Dynatrace when the incident is closed in ServiceNow 9233 Views 8 replies 1 kudos servicenow
Resolved! There is a way to create a Jira ticket for every Dynatrace problem. What happens to jira tickets when Dynatrace auto resolves thes 4325 Views 2 replies 0 kudos integrations jira
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Resolved! JIRA integration test failed. HTTP Response Code: 400 - Bad Request 9663 Views 6 replies 0 kudos integrations jira