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Dynatrace Operator and OneAgent compatability


So we're on eks 1.29 and using operator version 0.15.0 with cloudNativeFullStack and the oneagent version is 1.257,

As we know we can't specify specific image for Oneagent for cloudNativeFullStack, 

question is: if its taking latest by default then why operator is not installing the latest oneagent version why stuck at 1.257, is it because Dynatrace operator is designed to work with specific range of OneAgent Version. So in our case DT Operator version is 0.15.0 and it seems the latest compatible OneAgent version for this DT Operator is 1.257 i.e why we're seeing the older version of OneAgent on our cluster Nodes ?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @vermatus,

I have not heard such version connection. We are using 1.2.2 operator with 1.299 OA. 

The 0.15.0 Operator release date was 2023.12.13 at that ime the OA current version was 1.279 (release date 2023.11.20)

Is there any restriction on env level for OA update? for this 1.257 version?

env level:


Or check the Custom Resource yaml autoupdate paramater. Default is true.


You can chek this link also:

I hope it hleps.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

does that mean , with having operator version 0.15.0 , i can deploy oneagent version with 1.289 or any? 

i mean even older operator version will work to deploy latest OA versions? without issue?

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I think yes you can, but if there was still a connection between them (I do not know about it) you can use at least the version 1.279 instead of 1.257. 

Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

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