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Custom property as a Tag Value


I have Ip address as a custom property in Database Service. Can we get that value as a Tag value ??

The reason for ask is becoz, i see only place holders for Database name, Database port, Database vendor but i don't see any other placeholders i can add.

Sai Venkatesh Nichenametla

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


Unfortunately, you don't have the option to add an IP address as a placeholder in Tag Value. For DB, you have 3 options that you provided.

Have you tried DatabaseHostName?

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 13.11.56.png


Have a nice day!

You can also try using {Host:ipAddress}.

Have a nice day!

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

If you ingest the custom IP as custom metadata on the host or even the process/service level, you can infact dynamically tag that entity via Auto tags rules. For example: 


Granted this isn't IP, but its the same principal. Now was that Metadata value may change form host to host, it will reflect in the tag. Giving us 1 Auto tag rule for every dynamic value.


oooo I didn't know that option 🙂 Thanks Chad!😎

Have a nice day!

That's not being sent a custom meta data but they are in built meta data & i wanted to use them in automated tagging.

Sai Venkatesh Nichenametla

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