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Displaying maps to show location of users


Hello, I am currently creating an app that enables, through logs, to fetch the number of users per country. The client also asked to display these countries on a map (which is possible as we have the country name, the longitude & latitude).

I tried using react-leaflet but i got many errors within the modules. What library might be more suitable so i can do so?

Thanks in advance!

Example of the error :  Error: No loader is configured for ".png" files: node_modules/leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png
405 | /* Default icon URLs */
406 | .leaflet-default-icon-path { /* used only in path-guessing heuristic, see L.Icon.Default */
> 407 | background-image: url(images/marker-icon.png);
| ^
408 | }
409 |


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi there

If you don't explicitly need leaflet, I'll suggest you take a look at Strato Geo package. In particular DotLayer component here that you can use to show data points on a map.

Let me know if this helps 🙂 

Hello 🙂

I replaced leaflet by the Strato Geo package and it works really well 😄 Thanks a lot !

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