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React/Jest - DonutChart mocking/import error

Dynatrace Advocate
Dynatrace Advocate

Hi all,

I use the DonatChart including the nested DonutChart.Legend in my ContainerCardComponent.

In the test file of my ContainerCardComponent I'm not interested in the DonatChart therefore I mock it with


jest.mock('@dynatrace/strato-components-preview', () => ({
  DonutChart: jest.fn(() => <div>Pie Chart</div>),


When running my tests, all tests pass. However I receive and error that looks as follows


pointing to <DonatChart.Legend .../> component.

AFAIK, the console.error indicates that there happened some mixing up of default/named imports.

Couldn't find yet the source of the failure. Does it refer to some import of my components or to imports of the DonutChart components? Or is the root cause some wrong mocking of the DonutChart?


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi Melanie, I think the issue is with the mock itself. The error is saying that Legend doesn't exist in DonutChart, which makes sense because the mock doesn't consider it at all. The idea would be to also mock the Legend sub-component. Something like this should work (or some variation of it, couldn't test it myself):

jest.mock('@dynatrace/strato-components-preview', () => ({
  DonutChart: Object.assign(jest.fn(() => <div>Pie Chart</div>), {
    Legend: jest.fn(() => <div>Pie Chart Legend</div>)

You might have to fiddle with the types a little bit to make it work.

Dynatrace Advocate
Dynatrace Advocate

Thanks a lot, that worked!

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