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Description in POST Event APIv2


Hi Dynatrace lovers,


We used to send via events APIv1 events with Description and Source to our Dynatrace cluster. 

After release of APIv2 which suppose to replace APIv1 we tried it, but it seems like  loses these fields (description and source) on the way. 


We need them for future pocessing of problems and events.


POST Content:


   "title": "Titel Test-XYZ ",
   "description":"description kurze Beschreibung der Störung xyz",
   "source":"source Quelle des Events",
   "allowDavisMerge": true

In POST event V1 it works fine. 


Do we do something wrong? If yes, what?

Will these fields come later? and if yes, when?

If the are not planned to be added, what is alternative?


Thanks for hints ad help!





Ok, I found a solution with a little help @mark_bley for my problem.


using dt.event.description as a property works in same way as description in v1. so, POST content would be:


   "title": "Titel Test-XYZ ",
   "source":"source Quelle des Events",
"dt.event.description":"description kurze Beschreibung der Störung xyz",
  "dt.event.allow_davis_merge": true } }


Same valid for allowDavismerge, it has to be transformed to propery dt.event.allow_davis_merge (not camel shape but snake style?..)


So far I habe my answer and close it.

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