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Get "User actions with errors that impact the Apdex" values via API


If you go to a Key User Action in a web Application in Dynatrace, and you hit the down arrow under "Show trend " in the Apdex rating widget, there's a handy little bar chart in there called Error impact on Apdex.  It shows User actions with errors and User actions with errors that impact the Apdex.  

For the life of me, I can not figure out where the User actions with errors that impact the Apdex data is coming from...  I've gone through every metric I could find related to user actions and apdex in the Data Explorer and can't get any values that match up to what we see there.  Granted, that data is errors per minute and the metrics relating to actions and apdex aren't, but I still just don't know which metrics it is pulling to calculate that data.


I've dug through the page's network calls and that value is filled in via a call to some /rest endpoint and not the Dynatrace API, so I'm assuming its calling an internal API that we don't have access to.

So, can anyone tell me how to get user actions with errors that impact the Apdex via an API call?  Because I sure can't...





Hi @36Krazyfists ,

User actions with errors that impact the Apdex are user actions with JavaScript errors and request errors that are rated as Frustrated (

So I think you can get this information from UserSession launching this:




I was afraid of that.  But yeah, we exclude Javascript errors and we only include a few specific request errors in our Apdex calculation. So what you're saying is if I do a USQL query for an action to get a list of all user sessions with errors that are rated as Frustrating, that should give me the same result as what I'm seeing on that chart?

Hi @36Krazyfists ,

Yes, I'm saying that. As I understand from documentation, Dynatrace considers that the users actions that impact on Apdex are user actions with JavaScript errors and request errors that are rated as Frustrated.
I was comparing the USQL query with the tile and it seems they showed the same results but to be honest, I'm not sure 100%.




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