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Failed to install Managed Cluster Node


I don't know why the Elasticsearch is not healthy, i've recently created this VM to install as a new cluster node, but can't install. Can anyone help me?


/bin/sh --seed-auth <token redacted>
Starting Dynatrace installer ... OK
Verifying system compatibility ... OK
Verifying RAM size ... OK
Type the full path to your directory for Dynatrace binaries
Type the full path to your directory for Dynatrace data
Do you want to keep all Dynatrace data in this directory?
Enter the command which should be used for executing commands with
superuser privileges. This command should contain variable $CMD.
[sudo -n $CMD]?
Verifying disk space ... OK
Testing connection to Dynatrace Mission Control ... OK
Verifying system connectivity ... OK
Collecting information about Dynatrace cluster ... OK
Testing connection to Dynatrace Mission Control ... OK
Preparing Dynatrace cluster for extension ...
Waiting 6 minutes for permission to add new node ...
Permission status: pre-check pending
Checking again in 20 seconds (5 minutes 59 seconds left)
Permission status: pre-check pending
Checking again in 20 seconds (5 minutes 39 seconds left)
Permission status: Elasticsearch is not healthy
Permission is not granted
Retrying in 2 minutes, timeout in 5 minutes 19 seconds
Permission status: pre-check pending
Checking again in 20 seconds (5 minutes 19 seconds left)
Permission status: pre-check pending
Checking again in 20 seconds (4 minutes 59 seconds left)
Permission status: Elasticsearch is not healthy
Permission is not granted
Retrying in 2 minutes, timeout in 2 minutes 39 seconds
Permission status: pre-check pending
Checking again in 20 seconds (2 minutes 39 seconds left)
Permission status: pre-check pending
Checking again in 20 seconds (2 minutes 19 seconds left)
Permission status: Elasticsearch is not healthy
Permission is not granted

Installation failed, with status: system verified, connected to Mission Control, connected to Dynatrace cluster after 6 minutes 18 seconds.
Exit code: 3

It is not recommended to use iptables-nft. Please install nft with firewalld

Cannot add this node to Dynatrace cluster: Elasticsearch is not healthy

More details in log file: "/var/log/dynatrace/install.log"


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @Pedroka 

May be curl <ip_address>:9200/_cluster/health and the information from ElasticSearch documentation will help you to solve your question.

But before operate any fixing to the ELK I would consult first with support 



dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel



Hi @Pedroka 

  • Make sure you have su or sudo permissions to execute the fetched commands from the cmc.
  • check the below concerns are met.
  • revisit the created log files "/var/log/dynatrace/install.log", "/opt/dynatrace-managed/installer/" after the unsuccessful installation to pinpoint to the main root cause.
  • make sure that NTP synchronization is configured properly on the target cluster nodes, latency is less 10 ms, and these cluster nodes are in the same data center.




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