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Log monitoring v2 storage


Environment: Managed on premise


Hi, I came across 2 facts regarding log monitoring v2, but I don't really find any documentation that supports them. 


1. Log queries are executed by One Agent in the server and might cause overhead to the server.

2. Log data are not stored in Dynatrace, no additional storage is needed.


My understanding of Dynatrace log monitoring should be log data are ingested into Dynatrace Managed Server storage and query/ search should be log data on MS too but not log data in the server.

Anyone can assist to answer?




hi Starhut


as far i know in base on how it works according to the documentation.


1 - Log Querys are execute to the managed server, it does not cause overhead for query the logs throght the UI on the server where the one agent its deployed

2- Log Data is store in the Managed server , in the elasticsearch. you can check this when you are reaching the limit for the ingest of log data the manage ask for scaling in the elasticsearch


Log faq

Log Monitoring recomendations (here you can find the point 2)


hope it helps.

have fun

fuelled by coffee and curiosity. ☕