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Memory allocation of different process in Dynatrace Managed

How is the memory allocated to each different process in Managed? when I use vim command to view the Managed Installer, it Seems Like it is based on percentage:

If that's really the case, is there anyway to tweak the configuration of Memory Allocation? (for example, through the edit of Xmx and/or Xms value of each process).

And if yes, what's the best practice to do this?

Client currently using appmon, and has the....freedom to edit the memory allocation of FrontEnd Server and Server should such a need arise.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Dynatrace managed has more complicate and complex architecture, there is no option for tweaking memory. If you have lack of memory you should consider extending it for single cluster or create multi cluster environment.


Regards, Sebastian

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Memory settings are not intended to be configured by the customer. This was applicable with on-premise installations for AppMon or other tools when there was no centralized monitoring of the health of on-premise installation.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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