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Monitored Host Migration between Two Clusters

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Dear All,

We have a situation where monitored hosts will move/migrate from one location/cluster to another/cluster with the following change:

  • The IP address will change of the monitored host.
  • The IP address and hostname will change of the monitored host.

What can be the expected challenges?

How to overcome those challenges?




Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

By cluster do you mean a Dynatrace cluster or something else?

Hello @James K.

Yes. I am talking about the Dynatrace Cluster.



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

If I follow your question correctly.

Host A with IP: might move to another Vlan and get a new IP. So Host A now has an IP of I can Assure you that just the IP will update in Dynatrace as the oneagent with its unique GUID is still reporting in.

Lets Say we are re-purposing Host A and it will get a new Name and new IP, with the assumption that the oneagent is actively running on the host. The host gets Named: Host Z with IP I can Assure you that the Host Name and IP will update in Dynatrace as the oneagent with its unique GUID is still reporting in.

Now you mentioned clusters, One thing to note. If you have a Prod and a Non Prod environment in Dynatrace and your Host A is in Prod with a oneagnet running on it. And you want to re-purpose it to be Host C in NonProd. The host name and IP's will change as expected BUT the host will still be showing up in Dynatrace Prod as the original install has directed the oneagent to talk to Prod. You would need to do a reinstall with the NonProd Oneagent for it to report into Non Prod.


Hello @Chad T.

Thank you for your comments. VMs will move from one DC to another DC and both DCs have an independent Dynatrace Cluster. Once VMs will be moved from one DC to another DC, then we can use the oneagentctl command-line interface to connect to the source DC. The challenge for us is SUN Solaris hosts, which are almost 90%, therefore, I wanted to avoid the uninstallation/reinstallation hectic process.

But all these discussions and possible looking for available options, I left with the option to uninstallation/reinstallation the agents on SUN Solaris hosts.



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