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VMware Hirozon Monitoring via Dynatrace Extension


Hi All,


Did anyone installed "VMware Horizon" extension in Dynatrace? The document is not clear. In the first step it is not clear that on which oneagent-monitored host we need to install the extension. Support team is saying we can install it on any Dynatrace monitored host which doesn't make sense. VMware Horizon has some components line (Connection servers, Gateway, RDS, etc). Do we need to install oneagent on these hosts?


1. Install the Extension on a OneAgent-monitored Host

2. Upload the Extension to the Dynatrace Cluster via UI in the browser

Ramanan Raghunathan

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

@Hi @Ramanan_16 

The solution according to the documentation you need installed both on a OneAgent-monitored Host and on the Dynatrace Cluster. Support is right that you can install on any OneAgent. You have to a open network connection from OA to VMWare Horizon because for the plugin will communicate with it to collect metrics.


Have a nice day!

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