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Log Analytics AIX



up to now log analytics is not available on AIX.

According to this blog post it´s planned for a future OneAgent release. Unforunately I couldn´t
find any current information on this topic.

Is there any news
when Log Analytics will be available on AIX?




We are working on this however with lower priority than other tasks. In the meantime (with S155) you will be able to forward logs from syslog sources that is OS-agnostic and will also support AIX platforms.

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Any news about the ETA for AIX? (EAP maybe) Syslog is OK for host logs, but mostly useless for application logs or middleware unless the logging can be reconfigured to syslog.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

There is new feature that allows you push logs to dynatrace over API, maybe this will be helpfull...

Regards, Sebastian

I know this feature, it is handy for some use cases. But for application servers such as WAS this not (directly without 3rd party tool) usable if you can't force them to do remote logging.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

AIX support for Log Anaytics is on hold. You can configure syslog to stream data from any log file on the disk. See for example:



I am interested in getting logs from applications (WAS) on AIX platforms.

This post has been idle for a year now, is there any news about this topic ?

Is it still planned in the roadmap - and if so, when ?

Also, the API given as a hint might already work, but before I look for more info on it, the link to the article does not work (it links to the log feature homepage), so is it possible to update it please ?

Thanks in advance,


Have you tried contacting the Dynatrace One team using the built-in chat or via support ticket?
Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Yes I did, in the online chat they advised me to nudge this blog post !



Quick update after quite a long time. For now, we do not support AIX. And in the next 12 months, we also won't have it in plans.


Any update regarding AIX log analytics ? 

I'm afraid that the information is not accurate. If you look at the OneAgent platform and capability support matrix you can see the Log Monitoring for AIX is not planned.

You can use for example Logstash on AIX to collect/parse and ship logs from AIX to Dynatrace using Log Ingest API or other log shippers by your preference. I agree it's not an ideal setup, but it is at least something. Don't forget to enrich your logs with the dt.entity.process_group and identifiers when shipping remotely, so the log entries are attached to corresponding entities.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner


@Julius_Loman  the problem is AIX is very niche OS and neither fluentd or filebeat logshipper if i was on linux i have all this options. but currently i am not able to ship logs from websphere or IBM HTTP server without writing custom shipper. i believe due to this disadvantage Dynatrace should be capable of supporting this due to the above limitations.

@Serak  I agree with you the AIX should be a "1st class citizen" and Oneagent Log Module should be available for AIX. Unfortunately it does not seem it so.

In the meantime as I wrote - you have several options:

  • Install Logstash on AIX (it works, although not officially supported. we have a customer running Logstash 7.x on AIX to collect logs and send them to Dynatrace Log ingest API directly
  • Use rsyslog on AIX to send logs to Dynatrace Log ingest API
  • If you need application logs, configure the application logging to log remotely either to Dynatrace Log ingest API or to a remote Logstash / Fluentd which then send logs to Dynatrace Log ingest API

It's difficult to recommend anything without knowing your environment and requirements. 

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

I'm happy to share that with cluster version 1.253 and OneAgent 1.251+ we're adding support for AIX logs.