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MySQL logs on Dynatrace


We have a mobile and desktop app, laravel PHP and MySQL in the backend, vue.js on the frontend.

A few days ago Dynatrace send us a notification and from the Problems section, we found out that the MySQL connection is lost, but Dynatrace didn't mention what is the root of the problem or what caused this issue. We restarted the MySQL service to bring up the system. Is there a way to monitor MySQL logs on Dynatrace?

We want to use Dynatrace to monitor all logs and events, including SysLogs, MySQL logs, etc. Can you provide us a video or document to assist us with setting it up. 


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

This is a really good doc on the Log monitoring. If you have it enabled, Dynatrace will auto discover the log files. If its not finding a certain set of logs, you can also custom define logs too! 


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