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Can two tags have the same name?

Frequent Guest

I want to add a tag to two buttons of different flows but in the end the have the same functionality, can the be tagged in each flow with the same name? 


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Tag name Must be Unique but Values don't need to be. For Example, it you name a tag "Application" and give it value: EasyTravel, you can tag multiple entities with that tag, but you cannot create a new tag called "Application" again. You can however add additional rules that include other values such as "NotSoEasyTravel" for a Value of "Application" 




Ensuring tag "KV" uniqueness per entity would be a desirable feature. However, from my own experience - managed/offline cluster", there's no enforcement and nothing can stop me to duplicate tags with the same key and same or different values. I just posted a question a minute or so ago specifically about how to differentiate auto-applied vs custom tags precisely to avoid/delete duplicates.







If you hover over the tag, you will get a tool tip that says the origins of the tag, If it came from the Environment, Azure, was manually applied or automatically applied. 


And i have one requirement.  want to create a dashboard for related application .  eg . app1  

all unix host, windows, remote unix tiles have added and relevant CI's has been tagged.  

problem ,is database server host multiple applicaiton databases , even single db serves multiple application.   

I have created two tags  app1:  abc  app1: bcd.but result is not correct. 

for  generic tag , do we have need tag key to be specificied.  How can i create a tag for multiple values and use dashboards to dynamically filter it out 


Every Tag Key will need to be unique, but the Value pair wont need to be unique. However, its important to note the functionality. 

Using "Port" as a tag key, we all know it could have multiple ports. As a result, you will get a filtering sort of IP by each value in the tag segment. For example, if the ports are 9999 and 5000, the tag will read Port:9999, 5000. So you can filter on that tag, but the values will be concatenated. 

This can also be seen here in an IP tag example: 




sorry did not get you .

do i need to define tag  port value 9000,5000  or do i need to create tag  port value 9000, tag port value 5000 ?


it is working fine . URL was not refreshing properly 


 As per Dynatrace documentation, it's not possible to create the same tag twice.
For further info, feel free to visit: Tags and metadata - Dynatrace Managed Docs

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