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How can I trace batch process?

Frequent Guest

Hi everyone,


I installed Dynatrace OneAgent to two servers.

・Server1: application implemented by weblogic

・Server2: batch process implemented by PureJava

Dynatrace can  get transactions from Server1, while can't from Server2.


I think this is because the type of implementation.

So I'm going to fix Server2's batch process using OneAgent SDK for JAVA.

But I can't understand which part of documentation should I use to fix batch process...

Does anyone know which part is needed?


According to this Q&A, it seems Custom Entry Point is needed.

Do I also need to set Custom Entry Point using OneAgent SDK for JAVA?


Thank you in advance,


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

The Custom Entry Point you linked is from a previous product. 


What you are looking for in dynatrace are Custom Services. You can define the Entry Point for you Batch Jobs there and they will show up as a service then. No need to adapt you application by adding the SDK.


You can also utilize Request Attributes and Request Naming so that the Requests of the Service have the name of your batch job.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Frequent Guest

I'll try define the Entry Point using Custom Services!

Thank you for your kindness🙂

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